On Tragedy and Appreciation

We will all experience tragedy. Every one of us will lose someone or some thing we love. The only people to escape this pain are the ones who leave us early, leaving us to experience the pain of not just loss, but the loss of someone who has gone too soon.Having lost several friends and... Continue Reading →

Beliefs and Social Influences

It’s easy to forget what it was like when you were a child and an adult’s word was law. I remember asking a family member if Hell was real when I was a child and they replied “yes” with such certainty that I was instantly compelled to know that it must be true. When we... Continue Reading →

Same Information, Different Ideas.

If we all have good reasoning skills then shouldn’t we all be coming to the same conclusions based on the information we have? We are all exposed to similar information about things every day yet come to completely different conclusions than our friends. Why is this? One possible explanation is subjective viewpoints. Take this simple... Continue Reading →

On being understood.

One of the things I am most interested in is being understood i.e. communicating ideas in a way that their can be no misunderstanding. When you are in a conversation with someone and you have explained something and they reply, “I don’t understand” or “what do you mean?” you have not communicated your ideas clearly... Continue Reading →

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